Ahmed Abd El-Khalik Yousif
Head of the executive team for the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Track & Trace System
Project, being responsible for project management & implementing the
Traceability National Platform for the Pharmaceutical Products for securing against
Substandard, Spurious, Falsely Labeled, Falsified & Counterfeit (SSFFC) products,
securing drugs supply chain around Egypt, ensuring market authorization, and
enhancing market monitoring and control. Being the Deputy Head of the Digital
Transformation Dept. a specialized unit that is responsible for the Digital
Transformation inside the Egyptian Drug Authority. He was also a team member in
the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Reform Project; that is electronically
secures & monitors the availability of all pharmaceutical products all over the
governmental healthcare sector. He is a certified Healthcare Informatician since
2015 (Egyptian Fellowship Board, 2015). For 5 years, he was the Head of
Pharmaceutical Regional Warehouses for Injectable, Emergency & Narcotic
Pharmaceutical Products.