Dr. Hebatallah Ibrahim Abdel-Salam

Position: General Manager of Biological Products, General Administration & Head of Biological Products Marketing Authorization Administration - Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA)
Categories: RA Speakers 2024
  • She is the General Manager of Biological Products general administration in addition to being the Head of biological products Marketing Authorization Administration at Egyptian Drug Authority.
  • She had a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical science.
  • She had a master’s degree in business administration in project management.
  • She is an external evaluator (assessor of biological products & vaccine) at African Union Development Agency- NEPAD.
  • She is EDA representative as a member in the African Medicine Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) Technical Committee on Regulatory Capacity Development (RCD-TC).
  • She is EDA representative as Chairperson of RCD-TC Subcommittee on Vaccines Regulatory Oversight.
  • She was the former head of post approval changes department of biological products.
  • She was a member in the WHO team for assessing Covid-19 vaccines submitted for EUL.
  • She was a member in the team of updating registration guideline of biosimilar product in EGYPT.
  • She was a member in the team of issuing Procedures for Registration of Biological products through Reliance pathways.