Dr. Pamela Nambwa

Position: Pharmacovigilance Regulatory Officer – Pharmacy and Poisons Board, Kenya
Categories: PV Speakers 2024

Dr. Nambwa Pamela is a Senior Principal Regulatory Officer at the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, in Kenya. She holds a Master’s degree in Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (UoN) and is a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya (MPSK). With over 8 years of experience in Pharmacovigilance, Dr. Nambwa has been instrumental in strengthening Pharmacovigilance systems in the East African Community (EAC) and the Intergovernmental Agency on Development (IGAD) in harmonizing the Pharmacovigilance systems within the region. She has also been a member of the African Union Smart Safety Surveillance (AU-3S) Continental Safety Platform Working Group (CWG) and developed the terms of reference for the Vigilance technical committee to support AMA once its operation begins.