Dr. Peter Mbwiiri Ikamati is a Medicines Evaluation & Registration expert at Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB, Kenya) and EAC MRH programme (Assessment). He is the current Chief Principal Regulatory officer, Product Evaluation and Registration and has been overseeing all the PPB regulatory functions (on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer) towards achieving WHO Maturity Level 3 from May 2021. He has interest in research and has published work on analytical methods development and development of microspheric systems for drug delivery. Dr Mbwiiri additionally has interest in clinical trials regulations.
Dr. Mbwiiri earned his Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Nairobi in 2000. He holds a master’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences with Management Studies from the Kingston University in London and a doctorate in Health Sciences (Targeted drug delivery systems) from the Aston University, UK. He is an associate fellow of Higher Education (UK).
Dr. Mbwiiri started work at Ministry of Health as a Hospital Pharmacist and held various capacities upto the year 2005 when he joined the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB; the National Medicines Regulatory Authority, Kenya). At Mbagathi district hospital, where he had risen to superintendent Pharmacist, he was part of the team that initiated piloting of HAART (Highly Active Anti-retroviral Therapy) programme that allowed for provision of antiretrovirals in public hospitals in Kenya.
Dr. Mbwiiri has a wealth of regulatory experience having served in various capacities within the Pharmacy and Poisons Board. He has been instrumental in initiating reforms on medicines evaluation and registration at the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (Kenya) and regionally (at East Africa Community (EAC) and Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
Dr. Mbwiiri is also a consultant with World Health Organization Prequalification Team (formerly WHO Prequalification programme).